Let's face it, sometimes a dog's breath is no laughing matter and in the event that your dog is having a pungent odor coming from his mouth, as a caring pet owner, you can tend to be worried. The fact of the matter is that if your dog's breath is unnaturally smelly, this could be the sign of other potential issues which need to be rectified. The number one cause of this dog breath is a condition which is known as periodontal disease.
Periodontal disease is a condition which affects your dog's gums and teeth. It is a deterioration of your pets gums, teeth and jaw bones by tiny microscopic bacteria that actually causes this bad breath. Most people are under the false impression that you could simply give the dog mints and poof; the odor is gone. While this may help somewhat it is not curing the actual cause.
Your dog is a carnivore. Not like us, he does not eat vegetables or breads or anything other then bloody red meat. If you are a vegetarian, then a dog is most definitely your arch nemesis. It is when they are not getting the proper nutrition because of soft, chewy and rice composed foods that his teeth can get infected and start degrading. Your dog needs his teeth and the best way to fight this condition in dogs is by letting him use them.
Nylabone is perhaps one of the most well-known and favored dog toys and bad breath dog products that help, but did you know that most of the Nylabone dog chew toys are also designed to prevent periodontal disease? Take specifically the Nylabone Plaque Attacker Dental Ball, this product is designed to let your dog use his teeth and help him develop and maintain healthy gums, jaw muscles and much more. However one of the biggest advantages of it though is that it has been treated with a medicine which can help your dog to get rid of the disease.
This is important because the bacteria that cause periodontal disease can also get into your dog's blood stream and start to infect your dog's vital organs. Your dog's kidneys and liver are especially susceptible to these bacteria and the outcome is definitely something you do not want.
The periodontal disease starts easily enough with gingivitis, products similar to the Dingo Dental Dog treats are specifically designed to help your dog fight off this gingivitis. If you make sure that your dog is getting the proper nutrition as well as oral exercise, then you can ensure that this bad breath is a thing of the past.
This of course does not mean to stop giving your dog treats and worrying if the treats will make the condition worse. Dog's immune systems are extremely resilient and all that it takes from you is a little helping hand. Change his dog treats to something that is specially formulated for treating the dental conditions. When you purchase toys for your dog, look for chew toys that will let him exercise his jaw and also help to keep his mouth free of bacteria.
Dealing with doggie breath is no laughing matter. While in the gingivitis stage it can be cured. However once it reaches the disease stage it can only be halted; never cured. When your dog's breath starts to stink, make sure you do what you have to in order to halt the condition, the more that it is allowed to continue, the faster it will attack until your dog is left toothless and in pain.
With this said, it also means that long before your dog even develops the doggie breath, you need to make sure that he is getting the proper dental care he needs to stop and prevent gingivitis which in turn will stop the periodontal disease from occurring in the first place.